It's been an interesting few days here in NYC. While half the city has no electricity - we feel blessed that our lights are still on. It was an intense night with the winds howling & barely anyone on the streets. What a rarity, no one on the streets of NYC.
I never felt truly scared as I like to keep my trust in God and his protection over us - but I did keep wondering where the electricity would go OFF next. It's amazing that most of the news on CNN was already being spread on Twitter. Even beyond the tragedy, it was great to see people shedding their fears by bringing some humor into things.
In the midst of it all, we realized how glad we were that we weren't moving on Nov. 1st - but during the middle of the month instead. We managed to sell all the items we put up for sale, the biggest one being the white sofa.
It was bittersweet, as I watched it for the last time being loaded into a truck. It drove away to it's next destination, Brooklyn. I hope the new owners will LOVE it as much as I did. Sometimes we have to learn to make room for other things in our lives. Things we may not even know are coming. Just like God prepares us spiritually for our next journey, we also have to make room for it as well. I look forward to decorating the next place.
Please consider making a donation to the Hurricane Relief - you can go to my church site here:
OR Salvation Army.
Btw, you can follow my Twitter here.
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