Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mary Magdalene Charity Design Project

Generosity is the quality my husband says he finds most attractive about me. I enjoy giving & helping those in need whenever the opportunity arises.  I also like hearing about people who take time to give back & lend a hand to those who are less fortunate. 

Designer, Vanessa De Vargas has done just that with her most recent design charity for the Mary Magdalene Project. She was brought onto this project by Hartman House - a non profit company who rehabs homes in the US & in other countries.

Looking for local charities to help they reached out to the Mary Magdalene project, which is a safe home for women who are victims of sex trafficking in L.A.

The home needed a major redo - everything was OLD. Hartman House brought Vanessa in to do this project.  She, along with Jordan Cappella, completed the decor in just 4 days! Several vendors came in with donations & this was the result of their work! I can imagine this put a SMILE on so many of the women's faces. 

Great job, don't you think?

-images by Erika Bierman

Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you. - Deuteronomy 16:17


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